What Is Dieting Making You Miss Out On?
intuitive eating Claire Dean, MPH, RDN intuitive eating Claire Dean, MPH, RDN

What Is Dieting Making You Miss Out On?

How many times have you had the thought “After I lose the weight I’ll ….” Or “Once this diet is over I’ll …”? Dieting takes up a significant portion of your time, energy, mental space, and even money. Have you ever thought about what dieting might be making you miss out on? What would you do with those extra resources if they weren’t spent on dieting?

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The Sweet Life: 3 Myths About Sugar
intuitive eating Claire Dean, MPH, RDN intuitive eating Claire Dean, MPH, RDN

The Sweet Life: 3 Myths About Sugar

Diet culture and the current obsession with “wellness” create fear around “bad” foods, which in turn creates stress and confusion with eating. This undermines our ability to make choices that feel good for us, both mentally and physically. In this post, we’ll be debunking some of the most common myths about sugar and how you can help foster a healthy relationship with sugar.

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What Is Diet Talk & How To Respond
Claire Dean, MPH, RDN Claire Dean, MPH, RDN

What Is Diet Talk & How To Respond

Diet talk is any kind of talk centered around dieting, food rules or restriction, diet trends, weight control, body bashing, or the like. And at the core of all diet talk is weight loss. Diet talk usually encourages negative feelings about one’s body. All this diet talk, while it can seem harmless, is actually very dangerous. Diets are directly associated with the development of eating disorders, especially in teens. Since diet talk is so normalized, it can be difficult and confusing to know how to respond.

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