Is it ok to eat sweets every day?

We talk a lot about the process of becoming an Intuitive Eater and finding freedom with food. One of the ten principles of Intuitive Eating is Make Peace with Food, which involves practicing unconditional permission to eat all foods. Yes, all foods! Including sweets and desserts.

One question that seems to pop up a lot is “Is it really ok to eat sweets or desserts every day?” And the short answer to that is- yes!

But if you’re looking for a bit more reasoning, read on.

As with all things in life and with Intuitive Eating, there is nuance. Diet culture loves to paint things as black and white (Ex. do this, don’t do that; never eat this food; always eat this food; healthy vs. unhealthy, etc.). But every body is unique, so it’s about finding what works best for you and your overall wellbeing, not what diet culture says you should or shouldn’t do with food.

First, liking and enjoying eating sweets is normal. It is not an indication of sugar addiction or lack of self control. Research does not support the concept of sugar addiction in humans. One study published in 2016 found little evidence and stated “findings from the animal literature suggest that addiction-like behaviours, such as bingeing, occur only in the context of intermittent access to sugar” (aka, restriction or having forbidden foods!).

If you have rules about how much or how often you’re allowed to eat sweets, eating sweets daily can be a great way to challenge that and to practice food neutrality, or the concept that there are no good or bad foods. All foods are essentially some combination of carbohydrates, fats, protein, fiber, and/or dairy in varying amounts. We need these nutrients every day. A good way to practice food neutrality is to think of sweets or desserts as just another way of getting in carbohydrates and fats in a tasty way. A couple cookies and a glass of milk for a snack? Yum.

Often, something sweet just sounds good. Just like we might crave something salty, crunchy, warm, or cold. Principle 6 of Intuitive Eating talks all about finding satisfaction in eating. Including sweets and desserts in our everyday eating can help to increase our overall enjoyment and satisfaction in eating, making it easier to move on from that meal or snack rather than be preoccupied with food. Every person’s eating preferences vary. Some people find they enjoy having dessert after dinner most nights, and others might prefer sweets for their afternoon snack, or only on occasion. None of these is better or worse than the other. The main tenants of gentle nutrition in Intuitive Eating are variety, moderation, and balance. With these in mind, there is plenty of room day to day for something sweet.

Eating sweets or desserts daily does not make you unhealthy, nor does it negate the other more nutritionally dense foods you eat over the course of a day, week, or month. Including these foods daily can be a great way to challenge foods rules about how often you’re “allowed” to have them and start you on a path of making peace with food. Remember that with gentle nutrition, it’s our eating patterns over time, not just one food/meal/day, that count.

If you’re struggling with finding balance and peace with including sweets in your eating, or it feels out of control or chaotic to do so, working with an Intuitive Eating dietitian can help. Check out our contact page here if you’d like more support on your journey to peace with food.


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