Beating the Summer Time Body Image Blues

With summer officially here and temperatures on the rise, it is common for body image struggles to pop up during this time of year. You may be thinking weight loss will solve feeling uncomfortable in your body or give you the confidence you’re looking for during these warmer months, but confidence comes in all shapes and sizes.

While this season can be challenging for many, there are a few tips and tricks we have to plan ahead and anticipate what might be triggering during the summer months so that summer doesn’t bring on the body image blues

  • Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in. No matter size or shape, everyone is allowed to wear the shorts, dress, or swimsuit. This can be easier said than done, and at the same time too, wearing something specific isn’t required. The most important thing is to dress in a way that allows you to feel comfortable and be present with whatever activity you are doing.

  • Be intentional with content consumption. Comparison is the thief of joy and although apps like Instagram, Facebook, and Tik-Tok can keep us up-to-date with others it’s important to remember that photos are often edited and have filters. Not only that, but many photos are only showing the “highlights” of someone’s day. If someone isn’t making you feel good or you’re finding yourself engaging in a negative self-talk narrative, empower yourself to step away from the screen or set a limit around apps. You are also free to unfollow, remove, or block anyone who makes you feel not your best.

  • Lean into your support system. Spending time with those who are supportive and encourage positive self-talk can be a game changer. The people you spend your time with can impact your mood which in turn impacts body image. Spending time with people who make you feel good is a great tool to lean into when you’re struggling.


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